Hate the right things.

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Hate the right things.

Post by FredC »

Trying to figure out all this stuff is really a lost cause. I heard they want to tear down all the buildings where the mass murders happen and build new. Just feels like that is helping the evil to win. Evidently Robb Elementary was old enough replacement was being considered anyway, but outsiders come in recommending this stuff without even knowing that? Seems like getting over your anxiety and fear of a building would be a victory over the evil perpetrator. Hating objects appears to me as misguided. If hating objects worked, we would see things get better because we sure have gotten good at it.

We have also gotten good at researching the evil perps and finding out was caused their evil outburst. Then they get followings for copycat evil deeds. It is not working! Why do we need to know this stuff?!? If the perps carcasses were eaten by gators, coyotes, buzzards worms or whatever is near by and televised who want to follow those footsteps?
In Bible times especially notorious criminals bodies were thrown in the garbage dump, in Jerusalem it was the Valley of Hinon. If one regular dumped stuff there, you would see the body decay as it was eaten by worms or the fires set to get rid of the rubbish would consume parts of the body.

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