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Posts: 1991
Joined: Fri May 31, 2013 4:38 pm
Location: Dewees Texas

Post by FredC »

Anyone else having their posts blocked by this organization ( I followed the link and it said that my email server was not set up correctly with TMobile? The computer in the house is the only one having the problem and has no Email so far. I have had it for a couple of years and just sort of got it hooked up to the internet. Our connection is weak because of trees between the cell tower and the house. Been real busy with the chainsaw and got a weak connection so far. Trying to get it up to speed for Zoom as it is hard for my wife to get to the shop for meetings. My post last night was after saving a draft then sending it from my tablet (not blacklisted but on the same router). Ran a virus scan this morning and the computer is clean.

This computer in the shop connects to the same cell tower (originally Sprint) and has been used to post to KCA from the start. Can not figure out why this computer (Win7 Del)l and my old dumb tablet are OK and the relatively new Dell computer is not.

Anyone else having this issue?

Posts: 1991
Joined: Fri May 31, 2013 4:38 pm
Location: Dewees Texas


Post by FredC »

Well my shop email computer ended up on spamhaus blacklist. It was supposed to have done an illegal helo at 4:43 UTC on Dec 15 2020. not sure how it could do that when it is turned off. I was sawing logs then, the computer was off with the doors locked. GRR! I wonder if an IP address can be spoofed like a phone number.

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