You think you have it bad?

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New jokes

Post by FredC »

In the past I have compared politicians to blind squirrels, every now and then they find a nut, but most of the time they bring junk back to the nest. Could be rocks, lost buttons, or deer and rabbit droppings.
In the south Texas heat even sighted squirrels have it tough,
It was so hot the other day:
Squirrels were picking up nuts with a pot holder.

Changing gears
"If sad eat a cookie.
If still sad talk to a doctor. It sounds serious."
Cookie Monster

October 1st was national home made cookie day.
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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by butlersrangers »

Cookies??? .... Dang .... I didn't know .... missed it!
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Two legged coyotes

Post by FredC »

Heard a siren Friday night very unusual in this neighborhood. A few minutes later an emergency call for EMS on Farm to Market road 2505. Seven injured in a house versus vehicle collision. WHAT!?! no houses on 2505 on any curves worth noting. EMS operator asked for all available units, put Air Life on notice, turned out only 3 needed transport to the local hospital so EMS units were cut down to 3 needed.

The cause for all of this, 2 legged coyote was transporting illegal aliens and turned off the highway to go down a gravel county road. The way these coyotes do this is charging through fences and getting far enough out into a field where the pursuing law enforcement can not pursue at high speeds. Then they bail out and hide in the brush till law enforcement gives up. Vehicles of choice are stolen 4 door pickups. Not their vehicle so no loss if it is wrecked or confiscated. Anyway the coyote came to an intersection blew through the fence on the opposite side hit an oak tree and was deflected into a house. Coyotes goal is to escape at all costs vehicle, other occupants, and anyone in the way even children are expendable. Passengers may be up to 20 packed in like sardines many paying 5 to 10 thousand dollars for the ride. In the towns on I35 when these pursuits start the first thing law enforcement does is block the exits to the local towns, coyotes will blow through residential neighborhoods doing 120 MPH! With 2 to 3 of these pursuits a week the locals are learning how to survive.

Did not have a picture of a rock, too bad a rock has more morals than a 2 legged coyote.

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More details on 2 legged coyote

Post by FredC »

Had a fire department meeting last night and one of the guys lives down the road from the crash site. At least 18 were in the pick up truck when it crashed. The home owner looked out after the crash and saw illegal aliens scattering every where only the 7 most injured stayed at the crash. One of the ones that took off was so badly injured the next day he knocked at a neighbors door and had to be transported by ambulance to the hospital. Others were injured and gave up to get medical help, a few others were caught. Could be others out there, some will make a clean get away, watching for collections of buzzards will be a clue that some did not make it.

This stuff happens so often that it did not make the local newspaper or TV news in nearby San Antonio. Welcome to our world. At the meeting mention was made of all the trucks stolen in the area. Many are found a day later or maybe a week later, seats ripped out to make more room for the aliens, paint all scratched up from going through fences, and inside full of cigarette butts and other waste. When Ford came out with that new aluminum body pick up a few years ago, 750 pounds lighter. My first reaction was great they can get at least 5 more illegals in it without overloading the springs.

Four legged coyotes are not near as bad. They do catch and eat many rodents and can even be trained to catch piglets. So they are not all bad. can not say anything good about the other kind.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by Knute1 »

Waiting for the cornfields to be picked around my rural home. Coyotes have been sounding close lately in the evening and I have some .223 Remington loads I'd like to try. They attacked my relatively petite German Shepherd 2 year old female last March during the early part of the month (end of the breeding season). Did not see the attack, but heard it and saw the aftermath. Took just seconds. More than one coyote. She had puncture wounds in her front foreleg, shoulder and one in the throat area. Survived it well, but was hoarse for a while. She is a lot more cautious stepping off the patio scanning the area and giving a warning bark. She is an indoor/outdoor pet, kept in at night.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by Knute1 »

Looks like I'm getting senile and repeating myself. Appears I posted a similar post earlier this year on this string. Wow. Hope I'm not losing it.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by butlersrangers »

Don't worry Knute. We like hearing stories again. For many of us, it's like new!

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by FredC »

Welcome to the club, Knute.

For the last 20 years we have had only one cat at a time. both managed to evade the coyotes. The first one was a hunting cat. She would follow me to the end of the neighbors (about 3 miles) place hunting pigs and other vermin in the peanuts. I would shoot something and carry/drag it out of the peanuts then throw it in front of her. She would pounce on the vermin and bite and claw at. On the occasions when that it was a coyote it would have been a winner on America's Funniest Video. Hard to describe how she arched her back and leaped backwards in one motion. The new one has survived for almost 10 years now, but he does not hunt with me.

For your next dog you might consider getting a wolf hound. I understand they will kill coyotes as well as wolves.

The local 2 legged coyote crash did make a mention in the weekly print paper. It was noted on the front page alongside an article on another similar incident. Neither was mentioned in the online edition so i thought it did not even register as news worthy.

Four legged coyotes in the game camera photos are looking better now the peanuts on the neighbor's place are getting ripe. They are not fat yet but do not look so bad.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by Knute1 »

Hopefully, I'm not repeating another story too much. But......I'm researching an ancestor (Napoleon Bonaparte "Bony" Smith), a great-great-great grandfather. He headed for California from Independence Missouri in 1845. He was with nine other men with horses and pack mules (no wagons). So what does this have to do with coyotes? Well I just wanted to show that there is documented evidence that coyotes are delectable for human consumption. Just depends on your needs at hand.

My ancestor in 1875 narrated his travels from 1845. Below is the part where the coyote comes into play:

After a stay of 2 days at Bridger's to recruit, our party of 10 started for Fort Hall. Before they had reached there, they became very short of provisions and suffered not a little. One of the party - no matter as to the name, for he has for many years been slumbering in the grave, succeeded one evening in shooting a very lean and apparently Superannuated Coyote, which he broiled and before morning, ate all the carcass, minus bones and entrail himself. At length, weary and hungry, the party reached Fort Hall.

Coyote. It's what's for dinner.

Now the captain of this party was Lansford Hastings. An author of an 1845 book meant for emigrants to California. In the book was a short cut Hastings identified, but never took himself. The following year in 1846, the Donner Party left late in the year and took this route. I'd rather eat a coyote than what the had to eat for survival.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by FredC »

I read about an Antarctic expedition that ran low on provisions and ate their sled dogs. They made the mistake of eating the dogs liver and got vitamin A poisoning. Apparently made the skin on the palms of their hands and bottoms of their feet fall off. Any way it is better to eat a coyote than be eaten by one.

Coyotes with a prize shows off to the camera for 45 minutes. Sure seemed happy.
Seems to be in better shape than earlier.
Reminds me of the current crazy cat. Occasionally he lets out an awful scream at the door. When I open the door to see what is up he starts to eat his catch. I just have to see it before he eats it.
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