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Post by butlersrangers »

You certainly have a Pig Problem. Maybe you should get one of those 'Water Tigers', whatever they are?

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Post by FredC »

Br, Not the only problem. When i was going out to get in the car this morning there were a bunch of deer milling around the Jeep. After greeting them (Oh, deer), i told them "If you notice this is not a deer rifle I am caring, but a pig rifle" they scattered any way.
Yesterday when I left the shop there were about 20 deer milling around. Some had found some spilled feed on the ground, the rest were just looking for what was going on and hoping it was feed. Extreme cold for this part of the country was making them very hungry.

Knew this was going to happen, unintended consequence from the county game biologists making rules to increase the population. Sometimes you can see a train wreck coming and no one pays attention when you try to point it out. I wanted to plant a garden this spring but right now I do not see how it will be possible. A couple of years ago it was grasshoppers now deer.

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Post by butlersrangers »

The most successful Deer Predator in Michigan is the Automobile.

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Post by FredC »

Had not thought of it that way. I have seen more killed on the road, I bet there is a correlation.

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Mama Pig bites the dust!

Post by FredC »

Saw from the game camera last night the herd was crossing the big field just after 7:00 AM. Got out there about 6:30 and waited. Heard them coming breathing pretty hard. They cross that field in a hurry. They stopped at the cattle water trough to my right as there was a puddle outside. There were about 6 or seven large ones and I just shot one and it turned out to be Mama. The 45/70 is a single shot (with a thermal scope) and I did not get off another shot when the rest hooked around and went under the hole under the fence into the brush below the house. The babies are still out in the big field. I came back about a half hour later and Mama had moved a little so I finished her of with the 35/40.
If I can catch them a couple more times the rest will decide they are unwelcome.

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Post by FredC »

That last time I got a pig. I went out from 10PM to almost 11:00 then again at 12:15 AM to 1:00 at the waterhoe. The next morning at the fence on the border of the brush. Even when you know what time they visited a spot most often, it does not mean they will be there at that time again. Even though the camera makes it seem they are in a spot for a long time it is just for a few minutes at a time with long intervals between. Many hours are necessary to actually catch them. Will try to put the photos in order.

Checked the cameras for the last week and no pigs!
#5GetAwayScrape.JPG (806.24 KiB) Viewed 2674 times
#4NowOrphans.jpg (626.1 KiB) Viewed 2674 times
#3LastMeal.jpg (613.57 KiB) Viewed 2674 times
#2ScheduleChange.JPG (612.47 KiB) Viewed 2674 times
#1MissedThemToo.jpg (504.7 KiB) Viewed 2674 times

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Post by Whig »

Real pigs to be afraid of.....

pig.jpg (320.72 KiB) Viewed 2656 times

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Post by butlersrangers »

I bet they play a mean game of YAHTZEE!

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Post by FredC »

We have gone full circle pigs are back in the Klein grass field. Just shredded the old grass and watered it 3 times. Not much in the Klein roots for the pigs, what they are after is nut sedge nuts. I read that the "ice man" found in the Alps had yellow nut sedge in his stomach. The researchers thought that was a sign of near starvation. I have pulled nut sedge when we growing peanuts and tasted some of the nuts. Some had a peppery flavor. If you could figure out which tasted like that there might be a market for them, after all 50,000 pigs can not be completely wrong on what tastes good.

Right now the hay field is uniform height less than a foot tall, pigs will stand out like a sore thumb at night and moon light will be favorable.
PigDamage4-1022#3RS.jpg (759.58 KiB) Viewed 2515 times
PigDamage4-1022#2RS.jpg (772.14 KiB) Viewed 2515 times

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Post by FredC »

Not much sleep last night. Last round yesterday was about 11:00PM. The first round this morning was 4:00 Am. Found this guy on the other side of the center pivot control tower. Kept the tower between me and the pig as I walked up then stalked up closer. Shot from behind and caught him behind the right shoulder. He was on the wet side of the pivot and walked over to the dry side and dropped. That was good as I could pick him up with the tractor and got him out . I left him off within sight of the house. Maybe I can get a coyote in the next couple days.
Thermal vision is interesting, saw so many deer I could not count them pretty sure there were a hundred plus or minus 15. Saw what I thought was a mouse close by last night, walked up and it started flying, some kind of insect. Gave off enough heat that it was about as bright as a mouse. Who knew.

I think there were more pigs out there between my first and last visit. Just caught a straggler. Wish I could have taught the herd a lesson. Maybe tonight.
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