You think you have it bad?

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by FredC »

A bit of trivia, on the CBS national news yesterday family members of 3 of the ones that died were interviewed in Guatemala, I think. The reasons the loved ones came were for a better life and one teenager wanted to buy his mother a house. Basically economic. Catholic bishop was interviewed next and said that the reason they come is to escape political oppression. There are law students and others that go to Mexico and the central American countries to "coach" prospects on how to qualify for legal status to come and stay here.
There are some who truly qualify like Ukrainians that are having their cities reduced to rubble, but many are just trying to get comparatively rich. This is not an entirely bad thing as there are not enough Americans to do work like field harvesting so we can have cheap food that allows us to have hobbies like collecting Krags.

If you think about it a farmer that can produce enough food to feed 10,000 people should be rich and able to hire people that are paid decent wages. If we paid what it truly is worth for food, we would not be able to buy expensive cars, houses, phones, computers or Krags unless we were subsistence hunting. The world is a crazy place with things that are impossible to understand.

Br, the other day i saw a photo of a bridge nicknamed the can opener. it is not the usual height that a 13-6 semi can go under. Many signs warn of the low clearance but it continues to collect victims. The "you can do it" sign on yours is particularly funny. NO, YOU CAN NOT!

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by butlersrangers »

I feel no ill will for ethical/hardworking humans, who seek a better life for their families and themselves.

I despise mean, evil, exploitive, criminal, untruthful and hypocritical behavior.

I wish the world was a kinder place and so many people were not in need of help and refuge.

Satan has his hands in everything and he has many allies.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by FredC »

butlersrangers wrote: Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:53 pm I feel no ill will for ethical/hardworking humans, who seek a better life for their families and themselves.

I despise mean, evil, exploitive, criminal, untruthful and hypocritical behavior.

I wish the world was a kinder place and so many people were not in need of help and refuge.

Satan has his hands in everything and he has many allies.
So many groups and sides to this game. No playbook or roster of players. Crossed purposes for each group, it is a mess.
Some of the obvious players are Catholic Charities, drug cartels, border patrols state and federal, states, liberal and conservative politicians ,Mexico and the southern counties. All have crossed purposes, shoot themselves in both feet, and make a mess out of things. Anyone who is taken in by any of the groups is just a pawn.
At ball games in the past, hawkers of programs said to get one so you would know the players, would do you no good in this game. Each player has a different rule book with rules that make no sense and are counter productive.

Br, your conclusion that Satan has his hand in these things is insightful. No other explanation makes any sense. If you wanted to get scriptural about it you might look up 1 John 5:19

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Evil coyotes

Post by FredC »

Just heard yesterday that 2 legged coyotes indirectly contributed to the Uvalde massacre. Seems that school lockdowns were ordered when coyotes bail out of their transport vehicles if the incidents occurred near or in Uvalde. More than 2 lockdowns a week average. This led to complacency when the need was for real.

For those that have not heard the term "bailout" used in this context, the 2 legged coyote has usually crashed through a fence to make it harder for law enforcement to follow him. Jumping out of the moving vehicle enhances the likely hood of him getting away. The chaos of the still moving vehicle crashing while overloaded with migrants also trying to get out escape and makes it easier for the coyote to do it again on another day. The illegal immigrants are very unlikely to be armed or that desperate. Who knows about the coyote, and which one is him in the mass exit from the vehicle? The coyote has no regard for human life, is desperate, and could be armed so lock downs for the nearby schools. In border towns you cannot win for losing.

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by butlersrangers »

That explains a lot about the confusion and puzzling initial response, when the Uvalde gunman crashed his car into the storm drain fence.

I didn't think about it having the appearance of a 'Coyote' ditching a car loaded with illegals!

The situation that the border States are in is intolerable. Feckless Washington has to get its ass in gear!

Crime gangs and 'cartels' are a worse threat than Pancho Villa ever was.
Pancho's provocative raids on U.S. border towns elicited the Army's "1914 Punitive Expedition" into Mexico.

The "Lusitania" was sunk in early 1915. This pissed off the U.S. public creating an anti-German bias.

The U.S. declared war on Germany in 1917, because of the 'Zimmerman Note', a decoded German communication, which revealed German diplomats were informing the Mexican Government, there would be a return to unrestricted submarine warfare.
If the U.S. entered the war, Germany sought to have Mexico as an ally, pledged to commit border raids and threats, in order to bog down the U.S. Army on the southern border.

The more things change, the more they seem the same. Just replace Germany with China, Russia, Iran, foreign terrorists, and a 'fifth column', within the U.S. !!!
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tyranny of authority

Post by FredC »

butlersrangers wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:48 pm That explains a lot about the confusion and puzzling initial response, when the Uvalde gunman crashed his car into the storm drain fence.

I didn't think about it having the appearance of a 'Coyote' ditching a car loaded with illegals!
Only part of it. The animal was shooting as he came out of the vehicle. The teacher that was getting her lunch saw him and retreated into the building and was on the phone with 911 or the school. She knocked the rock out that had blocked the door open while she was outside and firmly closed the door expecting it to lock. The response from officials in the school was a little slow expecting another false alarm.

Chief of school police changed the definition of the situation to barricaded from active shooter. Different rules apply to each situation he was trying to talk the animal down, but the animal did not have the rule book and was not following the rules.
Tyranny of definitions. It was still an active shooter behind a closed door not a hostage holder behind a barricade.

Tyranny of authority: if you have seen an of the videos of the hallway there is one officer on his cell phone. People have called him out on that. He was on the phone with his wife and she told him she had been shot and was dying. That officer was escorted out and his gun taken from him because he wanted to go in to save his wife and others. Still not enough known and there are a lot of false accounts being passed around.

On that subject or tyranny, I have a friend that lost his house to a fire a couple of months ago. He was fighting the fire on the other side of the fence with a garden hose trying to keep the neighbor's propane tank from catching. A constable threatened him with arrest if he did not put the hose down and leave. He put the hose down and went to the street. The safety valve on the propane tank let go later and a jet of burning propane went up and came down on my friend's house, burnt it to the ground in minutes. Not sure if a constable really has that authority.
My son was in a local fire department and had quite a bit of training, on a trip to San Antonio he saw smoke near the hi-way and stopped and grabbed a garden hose and was keeping a pick up in the driveway from catching fire. Same thing a constable ran him off.

So different than the local Poth police, on a fire a couple of months ago I was the first firemen on scene, but the Poth policeman was 5 miles from town and helping the landowner fight the fire with buckets. They had the fire knocked down by the time I and others got there.

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A buzzard's misadventure

Post by FredC »

The pole is the one that goes to the underground feed to my house further down the road. No transformer on this pole as the transformer is at the end of the underground by the house. This is at least the 3rd buzzard that has bit the dust here. Just the first that got hung up in the wires. It came close to making a conducting path hanging there.

Hard to learn a lesson when the first time you make the mistake it is fatal.
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Barbeque Buzzard anyone?

Post by FredC »

Electric utility people were just here to clear the line. They asked if they could kill the power to the house as they pulled the buzzard out. Sure thing for safety.

Buzzard shorted out the line anyway as he was pulled off, took a couple minutes get him off and stop the buzzing. Let me tell you cooked buzzard smells AWFUL!!!

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by Doubly Reincarnated »

If that was California, some kind soul would sue the power company on the buzzards behalf.

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Probably true.

Post by FredC »

The sad fact is, I believe you. We have heard too many crazy stories.

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