Something You Can't Unsee

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Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Whig »

How true it is, though...
funny.jpeg (51.15 KiB) Viewed 4245 times

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Dick Hosmer »

There's aspects of that picture, which I guess (hope) is Photoshopped, that I don't want to even THINK about . . . There, now I've made YOU (don't deny it) think about them - if you hadn't already . . . I feel better already by sharing the burden.

All that aside, it's a very accurate portrayal of what we (yes us) have allowed - by blindly voting Democratic - to happen to our great country. There have been some great Democrats, who loved their country, just saw things a little differently. Those days are GONE! ANYONE supporting the "Biden way of government" including a weaponized DOJ, seditious educators, a 90% biased press, etc. are nothing but %$#&@*#% VERMIN. We are going the way of Nazi Germany, but this time it is the LEFT. Prove me wrong. PLEASE. . . .

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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Whig »

I do agree that Photoshop was used to alter this picture. That basket on the front of the bike doesn't look like it belongs there and was added!

Please don't hold back next time in telling us how you really feel about this country and its downward demise.


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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Dick Hosmer »

The basket is OK, it's the fully-inflated rear tire (300psi?) that does it for me. :lol: :lol:

As to the political comment - I don't $%$#^&* care it I offend anyone or not. Being offended is all the rage these days, anyhow, and I cannot sufficiently express my disgust for what has happenned to us.

And, for all the Trump-haters, show me ANYONE else who stands even a smidgen of a chance to beat the machine. You can't, and you know it. We have GOT to begin righting the ship, THIS cycle, and if that means holding the rudder with one hand and your nose with the other, then so be it.

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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by waterman »

I agree that the present administration is not good for the country I was born in and where I've lived for the last 83 years. I view them as Negro-Socialists, intent upon turning our country into another third-world shithole and destroying the white culture that built our country.

But I see our conditions in our country as something very much like Germany in 1928-29, with close to runaway inflation and (by design of both parties) a completely ineffective government. WW3 is damned near upon us. When Ukraine falls, Putin will attack Poland or Estonia. The ChiComs have already said 2027 is the year in which they will invade Taiwan. All those man-made islands in the South China Sea are becoming unsinkable missile batteries, with 2027 as completion date. When they invade, aided by about 20 % of Taiwan residents, we lose access to their industrial-technological capacity. If we respond with the USN, we will take heavy losses, probably the functional capacity of all 5 of our WestPac carrier groups, all overwhelmed by a swarm of missiles. At the same time, the North Koreans will nuke South Korea, maybe Japan, and probably our military bases on the West Coast. By downgrading our Navy over a lot of years, we've painted ourselves in a corner. We won't get out without heavy losses.

The obvious solution to our southern border problem is land mines & mean dogs. That's how India deals with all those desperately poor people in Bangladesh. My Indian daughter-in-law says it works. Does it make the world news?

But I don't think Trump is up for the job. He's too old, too hung up on his image, too intent on getting even with his enemies to be able to react intelligently when we're in a real jam. He has a short attention span and appears to see things in a very simplistic manner. Appearances seem to be everything. Remember the border wall? How much really got built? On Jan. 6, he failed to act and left his supporters holding the bag. He'll pull us out of NATO and focus internally on the border, because it makes him look powerful. When Trump does that, the European war will expand. That will be the green light the ChiComs and the North Koreans need. Our only effective retaliation will be nuclear. Are we up for that?

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Waterman - WHO then do you propose as an ELECTABLE alternate to Biden (unless you are saying you're just going to vote blue, or not vote because you don't like Trump, and let the country go down the toilet like Germany)?

While dire, I don't think things are quite as bad as you paint. Russia is not having any great success in Ukraine. - given the power inequity, that war should have been over in weeks - instead, they're just grinding down their troops and munitions. Their military equipment, as proven in conflicts all around the world over the last 50 years, is not all that good. Their one carrier dares not leave port.

China's islands are already sinking. One nuke each will completely destroy them. Their economy is floundering. I've read several pieces on why they cannot afford to invade Taiwan. Their military, while huge, personnel-wise, is largely show. Their air force is still behind ours. They have what, two carriers?

I'd worry more about the crazies in Iran - they are faith-driven and have been hating EVERYONE else for 1700 years - now, they have the capability to do real harm - until Israel has had enough, which seems to be drawing closer.

The world's a stinking hot MESS, but I do NOT believe that continuing the course we are on, domestically, is going to be good for anyone. Trump may not be anyone's ideal, but I do not believe there is anyone else. Want to blame someone for 6 Jan (aside from us NOW knowing that the regime/swamp was involved up to their elbows) how about Mike Pence? He had the Constitutional authority to reject the EC results, and he whiffed.

To inject a little Krag content into this, my care-giving load is up a notch, and my hoped for .22GPR expedition to your town is going to have to be postponed for awhile.

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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by RickyG »

Betcha could pick up some downhill speed easy

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Dick Hosmer »

RickyG wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:49 pm Betcha could pick up some downhill speed easy
Agreed, but what if you ran into something solid? Crushed like a bug!! That meme puts a whole new spin on the old (and sick) joke about the price of bicycle seats . . .

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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by RickyG »

Who washes and wipes that. Those t rex arms surely can't reach around

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Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Whig »

Did my joke cartoon thread get highjacked?? Nice discussion.

But, one factor that may be being overlooked with the Trump issue. I don't think this egotistical powerhouse could have ever gotten this far without significant spiritual guidance and support. He has lots and lots of prayers supporting him to help us move forward in a more Constitutional, rational manner as a country. I don't see, as Dick has stated, ANYONE with the drive and proven success that Trump, President Trump, has and has had, despite his mean tweets and displays of egoism, hedonism, narcissism or whatever. We need him and bad. He did a ton when he was in office the first term and that was with tremendous headwinds from 100% of the democrats, 98% of the media and 75% of the republicans with people like "Hero" John McCain, Mitt Romney and idiot Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. The Russian Collusion hoax was extremely successful. Probably 40% of the people in the country still think Trump is a Russian spy.

But, God is still in control. Is HE letting us make all of these mistakes to "learn" some lesson? Sure. But, HE is still in control and we have to have faith there is some path forward to improving this country. I think President Trump is being Divinely supported, motivated and protected. That's my faith. It has lead my wife and me through our life quite well so far.

All this from a fat lady on a bike cartoon!


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