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Dick Hosmer
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Post by Dick Hosmer »

I hope and pray that all of our SoCal members are safe from the fires in LA. Thinking miles beyond the staggeringly horrific human concerns, it is a fact that a lot of these folks were very well off and would have had collectibles - have to wonder how many fewer Krags and trapdoors there will be when the ashes have settled ...

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Re: Fire...

Post by butlersrangers »

No ideology, when people and animals are struck by disaster.
Prayers and hopes for healing, to all impacted by the fires.
LA fires1.jpg
LA fires1.jpg (36.55 KiB) Viewed 563 times
LA fires2.jpg
LA fires2.jpg (42.74 KiB) Viewed 563 times
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Re: Fire...

Post by 03collector »

I was told by a very good friend, a member of the AS of AC. ( America Society of Arms Collectors). Member lost all or most of his collection.
Thoughts and prayers to a all.

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Fire...

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Not ideology - just empathy, and thinking about how devastated I would be... Plenty of time to bash the governor and mayor later.

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Re: Fire...

Post by waterman »

I'm pushing 85 now. Earlier on, I was a forester and have been on far too many campaign fires. My last one was 1999, burned up a lot of NE Nevada. I was 59, discovered I was too old for that stuff. In that range fire, I loosed a dog from its dog house. I relate to the tethered animals. Beyond that, I'm also a hydrologist, specializing in municipal water supplies. Losses here go far beyond a reduction in the number of surviving Krags and Trapdoors. The number of dead is almost sure to increase. Tens of thousands of people have lost everything. Many thousands of homes are gone. Will insurance payouts cover the inflated cost of rebuilding?

We've discovered what the planners knew all along, that there ain't enough water. Those who spoke out lost their jobs, went elsewhere, and have since passed away. Beyond the finger-pointing and all the political claptrap, do we have enough skilled people (carpenters, electricians, plumbers) to rebuild in anything like a reasonable amount of time? Do we have the needed materials? Do we even have access to those materials? IIRC, our country is rebuilding from hurricane & flood damage back east.

California drove almost all of the commercial timber companies out of business. There are a few sawmills still operating, only 3 in Humboldt County. Where is the specialized logging equipment? Or the people who know how to operate it? Slick Willy took the US Forest Service and the BLM out of the logging business. Do they even have any employees who know how to lay out a logging operation? Even if there are people in the US who know how to do a decent job of logging, it takes a couple of years before the trees become usable lumber. IIRC, most of today's construction timber, plywood, chipboard, and utility poles comes from Canada, mostly from BC and Alberta. The Trumpster says that stuff gets a 20 % tariff on Day 1.

Roofing material? Isn't a lot of that stuff petroleum-based? A lot of roofers in SoCal speak Spanish. Will Trump deport the illegals before they get their last paychecks? I think the PRK is about to get a lesson in economic reality. Lots of opportunities to make America great again.

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: Fire...

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Of COURSE the people and housing, rebuilding. etc. come first... I just made the (apparent) mistake of posting a fleeting thought. Please excuse me for seeming concerned with trivia.

One way to help the recovery is to stop referring to 47 as the Trumpster. He will do a hell of a lot more for you than the creepy DEI bastards now in power. We (well, not I) put those a-holes in office, and, to some extent, are getting what we deserve. Only wish their unveiling was less hurtful.
Last edited by Dick Hosmer on Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fire...

Post by butlersrangers »

I was thinking about the whole width and depth of losses: life, communities, and property (including guns and other collectibles).

There was no criticism intended ... and the last thing, I want, is a discussion of politics and blame.

What has befallen the LA area is horrible and elicits compassion and sympathy.

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Re: Fire...

Post by psteinmayer »

I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like to loose literally everything... and don't want to! My love, prayers and support to all of those affected by this terrible tragedy!!!

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