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Re: Rahimi

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:26 pm
by madsenshooter
One good thing I discovered, I have a Renter's policy that should cover the guns if the vermin steal any of them. Problem would be knowing so I could make a claim! In the past they had one of my rifles they were supposed to hold for 5yrs, it got sold off after 3, I found when I tried to get it back.

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:24 am
by Culpeper
Ah yes. Illegal conversion.

I foresee a time in the next twenty years where problems like yours will not be settled in the courts because even if history does not repeat itself exactly it sure as heck rhymes. I'm thinking 1920s Chicago.

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:34 pm
by madsenshooter
Had I known what they were up to, I wouldn't have gone out to greet them! I see two alternatives to that, if I'd had time to think. One, fall back on stand your ground law which would have later involved the courts, widowed wives, fatherless children, etc, cause they were standing less than 6ft away from my loaded 6x45 AR with nothing between but a mobile home wall. Option two would have worked better. I should have told my guest to come out also, and locked the door behind us! Then if they thought they had some right to take them, they'd have had to break in to do it! That old hindsight! The Chief Deputy will never be working as a cop again, he's made himself a problem bigger than my case by using a Civil Protection Order as a weapon against someone else, but I don't mind adding to his woes, he is quite worthy! Yea, 1920s Chicago, the gangsta wanna bes are just getting around to playing such games here in my neck of the woods, I wouldn't mind arranging a Valentine party for them! Not the cops, the boys that hurt my little brother, aspiring criminal geniuses thought they were destroying the blood, but all they did was chemically change the hemoglobin to bilirubin! I got the guest list prepared!

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:15 pm
by madsenshooter
The slow grinding wheels of justice has drug one of the offenders in. 2 counts of intimidation of a witness and one of theft in office. 3 third degree felonies. I don't know what he stole just yet, but he was highly enamored of my green Garand, I noticed. That should be theft from me, if that's the case. That's my little chief from above. He should be looking at one Federal charge too.

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:34 pm
by Culpeper

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:57 pm
by madsenshooter
That'd be the Chief. Not the first time in my life I've had trouble with a fellow sporting that title. There was this Chief Master Sergeant in the AF..... Value, 7500-150,000? At most all my guns with the optics, slings, and a few more accessories would bring, $15,000. Actually that's a figure I passed on through a lawyer who I think is part investigator. So maybe a zero got added during transcription somewhere along the line. Four days after he resigned? 4 days after giving a two week notice. He was a semi auto pistol instructor at Hocking College. That's where I saw my best guns headed, not to the Sheriff's lockup, which is in a different county! :o This angers me, this saddens me if it turns out to be true. Throwing away 17yrs to take someone else's guns is insane! :roll:

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:35 pm
by Culpeper
So does the Sheriff have your stuff? And if he doesn't, has he put your guns on the stolen list?

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:53 pm
by madsenshooter
I cannot answer that question at present. His place got raided last week, flash bang style, they're likely not done inventorying items. I am not allowed to contact the Sheriff, according to terms of the protection order the detective got. I'll just patiently wait, when SCOTUS rules on Rahimi, I'll petition the court for an order for their release. Disrespectful idiots, the guns are going to be all banged up!

From the ORC: If the value of property or services stolen is seven thousand five hundred dollars or more and is less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars, theft in office is a felony of the third degree.

Whoa I read more! Restitution, if needed, could be plucked out of his retirement fund!

I also see that theft in office would not be applicable to my guns. They are still mine and don't belong to the court who issued the order or my county's sheriff. Someone leaked out something about some ammo. 4480rds I heard, but caliber wasn't mentioned. $26,000 worth of stuff the Sheriff is claiming as belonging to the dept.

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:00 pm
by madsenshooter
Oh, oh. It appears my little friend is in more trouble than what he realizes! The state Attorney General has stepped in as prosecutor! I'm guessing that BCI has been involved, hope he gets to meet some of my shooting friends! I'm told he fudged the Sheriff's computer system on his way out! I've not heard from the one attorney that has showed some interest, so I'm still anxiously awaiting SCOTUS review! If they rule favorably, I'll make motion for return of my guns myself! It appears to me the young fellow is about to loose all! That's fitting, cause my guns were all I owned, other than an 88 Volvo, a 95 Ford truck, and my registered to me dog, which they tried to take earlier in the year! He owns a lot more, like a 1/4 million dollar property. I'm squatting on my parent's place which has a lien about that high! I'm getting better at the bean soup, and you know what, beans everyday isn't such a bad thing, healthwise!

Re: Rahimi

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:03 am
by madsenshooter
I"m getting much better at this bean soup stuff! Put enough things like onions, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms and various spices and it becomes quite flavorful. I've also been able to increase my intake of medicinal weeds by tossing some of them in the pot. Good stuff like mugwort and yarrow.

Things have gotten hot for the cops! The Chief, aka the Kingpin, is awaiting trail on corruption charges unrelated to my firearms, but I'm fairly certain they'll get around to bringing that up in the not too distant future. Two detectives, one who sought the protection order and another that wrote up an "investigation" they used to support their cause are for now out of plainclothes and back into uniform. I think they got cornered into testifying against the Chief when it comes to trial next year. I understand it is common to keep police officers being investigated on limited duty until it is decided if charges can be brought.

So that leaves me still patiently awaiting for Rahimi. If the SCOTUS ruling is favorable I'll petition the court for an order releasing them from the Sheriff's "safekeeping". Anything that's gone, the judge who signed the exparte order can pay my insurance company for. They are not simply going to disappear with an excuse of "we don't know where they went". No, not this time around! I ought to ask the Sheriff to make the boys who stole my toys put them back where they got them in my house! No, bad idea! If I'm around them too much I might just tell them what I really think of them, and I'd be in trouble again!