Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

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Re: Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

Post by bote »

I just ordered a couple hundred cases and the site took my order. Got a confirming email. I'm perfectly happy with the Hornady 303brit cases I've been using but what the heck, I'll give these a try. Never actually seen a real 30-40 case.

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Re: Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

Post by psteinmayer »

Maybe they had more coming and just sold out (faster than they probably anticipated) before more arrived. If so, then this may just be the answer to everyone's prayers and Krag brass will no longer be a problem like it has for the last several years! I sure hope it keeps coming...

Additional: Ok, I just checked and it's listed as In Stock! WOOHOO Christmas has come early!!!

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Re: Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

Post by BM1455 »

Maybe they had more coming and just sold out (faster than they probably anticipated) before more arrived. If so, then this may just be the answer to everyone's prayers and Krag brass will no longer be a problem like it has for the last several years! I sure hope it keeps coming...

Additional: Ok, I just checked and it's listed as In Stock! WOOHOO Christmas has come early!!!

I sure hope this is true. If they can just keep it on the shelves for a while the hoarders and scalpers will start to go away.

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Re: Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

Post by psteinmayer »

Amen to that! I (for one) don't have the financial resources at the moment to invest in a metric butt-ton of brass, ammo, etc. The little bit I have acquired has to last me until my finances improve... and my old stock of brass is rapidly dwindling (giving way to age, neck cracks, etc.). Knowing that I can get some additional brass at a reasonable price gives me hope!

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Re: Group buy of .30-40 brass by the forum members

Post by Stretch32 »

Got mine in the mail yesterday. It looks like quality brass and should fit the bill nicely.

If Graf and Sons manages to keep it in stock on a regular basis then we're all in business. Hopefully if they make enough the price per piece will come down as well. Although, given that loading light loads yields 8-10 reloads per piece of brass (conservatively) you don't really need much. I haven't even dug into the 300 or so brand new pieces I've managed to accumulate and have just been reloading the 125 or so old pieces I've was given / bought over the last few months.


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