Krag 20 round cartridge holder

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Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by Richard_Sherman »

Ocasionally I come across photos of an web cloth arm band that held 20 rounds. (Bannerman's catalogues show it worn on the wrist. Brian Linn's book "US Army and Counterinsurgency in the Philippine War" has an 1899 photo of six soldiers wearing it just above the elbow).

If Bannerman had them for sale in the late 1920s (for 38 cents each), have any survived? Did they adjust in size by being of web construction or was there some sort of fastener? Were they commercially made or by RIA? etc? etc?

Being part smart is a nagging feeling.

Richard Sherman

Jeff Dromm

Re: Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by Jeff Dromm »

Interesting item. "The American Krag Rifle and Carbine " by Joe Poyer shows the Wristlet on page 221. It is interesting because the description says they were to be worn around both wirsts. Your comment says the photo shows them above the elbow? Maybe they wouldn't stay on unless they were pulled up that far. What is also interesting is that you say the photo is dated 1899. T.C. Ordndorff which would become Mills & Orndorff patented the wristlet in Oct of 1899. According to Poyer the manufacturer made 5,000 of them in 1900. It is possible some were made and given to the troops , although all the way to the Phillipines in 1899 is questionable . It is also possible that the photo is incorrectly dated and should read 1900 or 1901.

Note Mallory's book the " Krag Rifle " the Wristlets were furnished for test in the Philipinnines by the 20th, 32nd, 41st, 46th, 48th and other units. He also says they were made in 1900. Looks like the photo date is incorrect. If most of them went to the Philippines then most of them probably suffered the fate of a lot of US Military gear in the tropics they rotted away.( or were conveniently lost )

The Wristlets were not popular,being awkward and heavy and they were discontinued. If only 5,000 were made I would think they would draw top$.

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Re: Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by JimmyK »

At least one of the wristlets survived. I purchased this example at a small auction. I've never noticed any other originals. Attached to the wristlet is a tag indicating that it was originally collected by: Dr P R Madden April 30, 1907. An online search for Dr Madden finds an Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat specialist in practice in that time frame at the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home located in Xenia, Ohio. The Doctor notes on the tag "From the Philippines."

The wristlet is much lighter in weight than I would have imagined. There are no adjustments possible to tailor the wristlet to the wearer. Apparently, they were woven in a long strip at the factory, cut to 20 cartridge lengths and the raw ends sewn together towards the inside. There is an inked illustration on the wristlet itself to show how to use it. It's hard to make out what might be writing to the left of the diagram but I'll try to photograph it.ImageImageImage

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Re: Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Great post! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by butlersrangers »

I share Dick's sentiments on this subject and post/thread.

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Re: Krag 20 round cartridge holder

Post by reincarnated »

The tag is almost of as much interest as the wristlet.

If you took a couple of heavy duty rubber bands, you can fasten (+/-) cartridges to your wrist to see if your movements are impaired.

(Other than the impairment of being old enough to think that Krags are the slickest mechanical things a lad can possess.)

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