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Stock Splicing

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:02 pm
by Top Dean
I know there are a lot of you guys that splice the fore ends of stocks. My question is it worth the time to try to splice the but of one stock to another? I have my Model 96 Carbine stock that has a rubber but pad put on it and they removed all of the wood where the but plate would have been. I have look and even tried trading a stock with another person but nothing at this point. I have a parts rifle and was hoping that I might be able to splice it one does anyone with knowledge think it will work and is worth the time to try? If not anyone know where I can get a stock that would be orginal? I saw a web site where you could get repo stocks with a cartouce on them, but I can no longer find it, I would like to get it to look as close to what is was if possible!

Re: Stock Splicing

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:45 pm
by Dick Hosmer
Thie reason that many people restore forends is that it can be done invisibly, and in most cases adds to the value of an otherwise butchered rifle.

There is nothing that can be done to a buggered buttstock - the only fix is a replacement. The best way is with the proper item, but they can be expensive and will take time to find. A repro stock would be a very poor second, and faking a cartouche is just mental masturbation, pure and simple. My personal opinion is that the a-holes who sell/rent the stamps should be prosecuted for fraud.

Harsh answer - not personal - guys, if you want a Krag to hunt with, to shoot, to have fun with, buy whatever tickles your fancy. But, if you want, or expect to want in the future, a "collector" Krag - do not buy something with an unfixable flaw, such as a drilled receiver or any stock defect beyond a bobbed forend. Save up your money and buy a correct example the first time. I'd also advise against any sort of modified or replaced (such as the common 1903 swap) barrel, even though such can be invisbly restored.

Gunbroker - to cite just one example - is usually chock-full of decent Krags.

Just my .02 - again, nothing personal.

Re: Stock Splicing

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:04 am
by Top Dean
Dick, I bought it before I know what I know now, wasn't sure if I could splice it there but, understand your wisdom. I would never bay a stock and then tray to pass it off as a organial, I would only want to to show what it should look like. as it will never leave my hands until I pass away or it is stolen! I have been looking for over 2 years now and still nothing. there was on guy you had one wanted to trade my stock for his but he never came back or nor responded to my messages.