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Bought an 1896 Krag carbine

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:08 pm
by Rick_the_Librarian
Just bought an 1896 Krag Carbine, serial no. 77508. Seems to have all the right pieces and parts but it is currently in New Jersey. Will post more pictures when it arrives in about 30 days (still have to raise some of the money!). 2000 yd. C-marked rear sight, correct bolt, saddle ring and front sight - $1195 plus shipping. An associate said he estimated the finish at @ 75%.

Always wanted a Krag carbine but thought I'd have to settle for a 1899 - excited about finding an 1896!

Many thanks to Chuck in Idaho for holding my hand (figuratively and electronically speaking, of course!) during the "education" process by providing lots of advice and info.

Here's some photos they sent me - click on "View Photos" - there is no need to sign in.

Re: Bought an 1896 Krag carbine

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:14 am
by Keith_Alderson
Congratulations! Especially on finding one with a correct rear sight. The price seems extremely reasonable to me, I would not sell mine for less than $2K. Perhaps the market has softened on these in the last 5 years??? Mine was minus the rear sight and after a year of looking I thought I had found one. I paid $350 just for the sight and found out later it was a rifle sight that had the graduations milled off and restamped with correct yardage and had the "C" stamped. Looked around for another couple of years and bought a reproduction sight which looks good, but still not correct. After another year of looking I bought a plastic bag of Krag parts for $25.00 and in it was a badly rusted '96 carbine rear sight! I cleaned it up, put some cold blue on it and installed it on my gun. So I am not through looking for a correct rear sight in better condition at a reasonable price. MIne is serial number 68649. Back to the price: I have about $1350.00 in mine including the money spent on sights, so again, I think you did very well! regards.

Re: Bought an 1896 Krag carbine

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:23 pm
by Rick_the_Librarian
I wasn't even looking for a '96 carbine - I assumed with prices being what they are that at best I'd have to settle for a '99 and maybe not that great of one to boot.

I checked with the seller and the rear sight is correct and not a reproduction, as are, apparently, the other parts. I don't think the cartouche is readable, however, but I can live with that!

All I need now is a '96 Krag and my "set" will be complete!

Re: Bought an 1896 Krag carbine

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:36 pm
by Rick_the_Librarian
One more thing - I originally thought the serial number was 77508 but was told it is actually 77205. No hit on SRS but within a lot of 1st Volunteer Cavalry carbines (Yes, I know, a miss is as good as a mile, but I can dream, can't I???? ::)

Supposed to show up via UPS tomorrow!