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Parts to fix magazine feed

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:51 am
by DevilDog
I have two krags, an original rifle and carbine that started its life as a rifle. The rifle works just like it left Springfield Armory. The carbine functions well as a single shot, however does not feed when switched over to feed from the magizine. The Cut off plunger feels like the spring is weak or non-existent. It will not rotate up unless I take something to depress the plunger tube to free it up. Also, whereas the extractor on my rifle remains in the up position, the extractor on the carbine seems also to be lacking tension and flops up and down. Took the carbine out to the range two weeks ago and it shot and extracted great (as a single shot).
It has been to the gunsmith twice without him spotting what was wrong. Thoughts?