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Re: Recently aquired 1898 Krag Carbine

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:18 pm
by GySgt
'GySgt' - Yes, 'madsenshooter' was referring to the model 1892 Krag rear-sight, that is ('incorrectly') on your Krag.

That particular sight-type (1892) had a short history of use, because it did not hold its elevation adjustment well. The 1892 sight use to be a common gun show/surplus item and was cheap and readily available, but, now it seems to have risen in price and demand.

The model 1896 sight, that replaced it, held adjustment better.

The model 1898, model 1901 and model 1902 Krag rear-sights all had provision for windage adjustment. The sight changes and personalities involved are an interesting part of the Krag Story.

Photos, that are accessible from the KCA main page, display the various Krag sights and the hand-guards that go with them.

Great Info and I thank you Sir, I had seen a close resemblance with a 1896 sight but there was a small bit difference, but thought thats what might have been on here.

I will certainly research those photo's that you speak of on the main forum here. Im glad to finally know what type of rear sight this is.

My sincerest thanks :)