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Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:46 am
by butlersrangers
I habitually view Krag parts and prices on ebay and several online vendors.

I don't currently need any parts, but, it is a good way to find the unusual, potential bargains, and get a feel for the prices things sell for.

It appears that currently very little is available, if looking for handguards, complete rear-sights, and certain small parts. Many things pictured are out of stock.

What is available is getting priced rather high.
IMHO - It's a bad time to be doing a major restoration!

Re: Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:07 pm
by polska
It's a bad time to be doing anything firearm related. Reloading supplies are unobtainable. Reloading equipment is hard to get. Live ammo is either hard to find or over priced. Black powder is hard to get and that include pistol and musket caps. Black powder firearms are nowhere to be found. Molds to make balls or bullets are either hard to find or doubled in price. Just about all milsurp firearms are doubled or tripled in price.
On the bright side I have all this crap and on paper I'm rich. :lol:

Re: Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:04 pm
by waterman
Been thinking the same as Polska. Got so many odds & ends that packed carefully they would fill a couple of long-bed pickups. Gettin' old. What to do with it?

Re: Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:41 pm
by butlersrangers
Ebay seems to work .... just set up an account and get a gray blanket!

Re: Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:28 pm
by King carp
Now is a good time to sell items you do not need. Over the years i had accumulated a lot of reloading supplies and tools. At some point i realized i had dies for calibers i did not even own. (The "you never know i might pick one up someday" theory.) I put a lot of it on ebay. I started the auctions at very low prices and was pleasantly surprised at the results. What was funny was how the profiteers doubled my ending auction prices to buy it nows on their stuff. I am retired and able to bum around a little now. There are no bullets or primers around here. Powder selection is very limited. Lucky for me i went through component shortages before and planned way ahead. Ammo is priced for the rich. I am lucky my dad and uncles taught me to reload back when i was a kid. It is paying off big time now.

Re: Parts be getting hard to find!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:54 pm
by butlersrangers
I went to an indoor handgun range the other day with my eldest son and a couple, he is friends with.

The wife and husband had never shot a pistol in their lives. They wanted to learn some basics, before buying a handgun. (How sensible)!

The couple paid the Range Fees. I supplied instruction, coaching, guns & ammo, and my son bought lunch. We all had great fun, the couple did well, and the fraternity has a couple of 'new' shooters with some gun safety knowledge and a bit of confidence.

I'm glad I reload and brought a lot of pistol ammo to Florida. It didn't cost much compared to current off the shelf prices.