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Evil 2 legged coyotes again

Post by FredC »

Strange news report came out of San Antonio this morning involved illegal aliens shooting on SA streets.

It is a developing story so the details may change. This is the way it sounds right now. Illegals were being held by coyotes in a "safe house" in SA, typically the coyotes do not feed their captives well and they may have been held for additional ransom from friends and relatives. Anyway they break out and are running down the street when the coyotes discover this they hop in a truck and start running over the escapees. One of the escapees opens fire on the coyotes in the truck. Coyotes drive off and the escaped illegals are not being charged as it was self-defense.

illegals typically carry no firearms, so where did the fellow come by it? First guess one of them picked it up in the process of escaping from the safe house. Two legged coyotes are typically involved in other illegal stuff and are fairly often armed. Firearms lying around in the safe house would be expected.

If anyone has missed it before I think 2 legged coyotes are very evil.

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More on the evil coyotes

Post by FredC »

Further news on the run down aliens. They escaped bare footed, yikes. Running outside bare foot on the south side of San Antonio. Sharp gravel on the roads, grass burrs, goat heads and thorny brush, double yikes.

Two were run over with one in the hospital in critical condition. Probably all of them were bleeding from the feet. The stash house turned out to be a motel room were they were held.

Interesting computer glitch. Computer locked up. It was completely unresponsive to any input. Unplugged the keyboard and mouse plugged them back in. Nothing! On off button, no response. So I unplugged the power cord. Turned it back on and saw the "restore last page" button. I had nothing to lose, so I pushed it. It came back to the unfinished post and was able to finish this. Who knew?

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by FredC »

Woke up at 3:00 AM and could not go back to sleep so I went out with the thermal devices and saw a coyote this morning. This one was rather young and when I first saw it after I killed it I thought it might have been a fox. Checked with a neighbor and he confirmed it was a young coyote.
The KCA software puts the photos in random order. The one with the four deer was killed about 6 months ago.

I got my foot in the cell phone photo, I want to keep my feet of the KCA membership active.
YoungCoyoteRS.jpg (580.91 KiB) Viewed 794 times
YoungCoyote.JPG (25.33 KiB) Viewed 794 times
CoyoteAndDeer5.JPG (24.91 KiB) Viewed 794 times

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Re: You think you have it bad?

Post by butlersrangers »

'FredC' - Don't worry ... You are a Life Member in the KCA Club Foot Club!

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