Republicans and the House

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Republicans and the House

Post by Culpeper »

As much as I like watching the political shenanigans and machinations of the folks in the congress I became focused on the slim majority of the Republicans. I remembered back to the film 1776 and how they voted as Colonies and not as individuals. So I broke out the ol' spreadsheet. It's your friend by the way.

The count, if they were to vote the straight party ticket within their respective delegations would be 26 Republican states, 22 Democrat states and two states would be a coin flip since their delegates are evenly split, Minnesota and North Carolina. We would not have to put up with RINO weasels crossing over to help the anti-American communists in the Democrat party.

It would really liven things up in the districts come election time with more mud slinging and name calling.
Deacon in the Church of the Mighty Krag. Member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals).  Liberty Works Radio

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Re: Republicans and the House

Post by waterman »

I'm a fiscally very conservative guy. None of us can live beyond our means for very long. We may get away with it for several months, maybe even a few years, but sooner or later, either you pay your bills or your credit gets cut off and your toys taken away. As a country, we have run up a debt so large that I can't imagine how we are going to pay it off. But we must if your savings and mine are ever to provide us any security. Look at Lebanon. That's a likely blueprint for our future if we don't pay off a big chunk of our debt.

Who pays that off? Poor people don't have any money, that's why they are poor. As an economic class, they get deeper in debt every year.
The economic middle class is shrinking. Successful middle class people are decreasing in number, mostly because they are aging out, retiring with diminished incomes. Taxes and regulatory issues work to prevent either the children of the middle class or the ambitious poor from joining the working middle class. The only economic class that can pay it off are the wealthy and those who have even more money. But they own our political system, both Dems and Repos. Their puppets in gov't have to go, one at a time or all at once. Not getting rid of them means that we're signing up to be Lebanon.

But those MAGA types screaming about a shutdown and no more $$ for Ukraine fail to see that the Ukraine war is just the opening phase of WW3. If we fail to back Ukraine with everything we can, who will help us when the ChiComs invade Taiwan, presently scheduled for 2027? Who will stand by South Korea when Kim hits them and Japan with nuclear weapons followed by a massive mechanized infantry attack? Who will come to our aid when the People's Army Navy hits each of out Task Forces with a hundred or more fast surface craft each firing a dozen missiles, all of it happening at once?
All of that when the ChiComs go for Taiwan. We have serious problems. Where are our serious leaders?

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