I'm with old Joe on this one. Sure. I'm having the time of my life pretending to be a bumbling, demented idiot while my mind is whole but the fun will really kick in when I begin identifying as a trans-ager nut case who says he was born on February 29th or I start running down the hall way at the Home wearing only a coon skin cap like Daniel Boone.
Good times they be a comin'. ...And no one will notice any difference.
Deacon in the Church of the Mighty Krag. Member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). Liberty Works Radio
If the 22nd Amendment had been more carefully crafted, we would not have to worry about Michael and by association, 8 more years of Barack . . . But, back in 1947, no one had considered the possibility of a woman (?) president, so the spousal aspect was - unfortunately - not covered. And, inconveniently, we cannot go very far (if at all) down the "intent" rabbit-hole, without weakening our bedrock position on the Second.
Interesting point, Dick. One important perspective to all of this, though. God is still in charge. That's kept my wife and me sane for all of our lives, so far!
He may step down from the campaign but he will not abdicate the throne like Nixon this close to January. They are dead set to not let the Republicans to have the first female president.
Deacon in the Church of the Mighty Krag. Member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). Liberty Works Radio