Something You Can't Unsee

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Dick Hosmer
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Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:11 pm

Re: Something You Can't Unsee

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Thank you, Whig! I'm not saying you have to LIKE the guy, just that at this critical point in time, we NEED him. Someone has to shovel out the stable, and there is NO ONE else who stands even a whisker of a chance against the stacked deck which is being shored up even as we speak. It has been said that you can judge a man by his enemies. Do I have to enumerate the scumbags, and their fellow-travelling useful idiots, aligned against him? If we do not make a course correction THIS year, our republic is in serious jeopardy, period.

I rest my case (for now).

Except to say that "fat" is a gross (pun intended) understatement :lol: :lol: :lol:

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