People be messin' with Michigan

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People be messin' with Michigan

Post by butlersrangers »

I don't know about today's education system and academia. Oh, the outrage and insult! Basics and Geography are not being taught.

First it was the Mountain Dew People, giving the Michigan Upper Peninsula back to Wisconsin .... now, it's the Mount Pleasant (Wisconsin) TV News, making "The U.P." part of Canada ..... !

Come on folks! Michigan won the Toledo War (gave up 468 square miles for 9,000 sq. miles). ;D
We haven't been part of Quebec, since the 1783 Peace of Paris, (or at least 1796, when U.S. Officials and Military, finally arrived in Detroit). ::)

United Michigan, largest State east of the Mississippi.

The real Map is as plain as your hands!


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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by psteinmayer »

As a proud Michigander... I am outraged! I say we give Wisconsin to Russia!!!

FWIW, I lived in Kenosha for a short period of time during the mid 1980s (between active duty stints - my ex-wife was from there), and I had nothing but trouble from the state! I was all too happy to go back to active duty and GTFO of that place!

No offense intended to my good Cheese Head friends!

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by Culpeper »

The rest of the Union is on to you guys' evil plans of world dominion over the rest of the States. I refer to the annual military invasion of sending shock troops, thinly disquised as elderly retirees in Winnibagoes, every fall to Florida.

It is fortunate that Florida is so strong and is able to repel the assault every Spring forcing the Michigan troops north to regroup and prepare for the next Fall offensive.
Deacon in the Church of the Mighty Krag. Member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals).  Liberty Works Radio

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by butlersrangers »

We go to Florida as reinforcements to counter balance and harass the Liberal New York, New Jersey, and Canadian People, who try to take it over.

We cherish Peninsulas, Coastline, and Riparian Rights.

Thank God for Midwestern Values!ImageImage

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by pickax »


First Canuck assault wave is to the golf courses and eateries in November.
Fix bayonets!

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by Knute1 »

Paul, you were in the wrong part of Wisconsin. The southeastern part of the state and around Madison is not conducive to people of our values. I grew up in the driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin. What a difference a few miles make. My profession would have taken me to the metropolitan part of Wisconsin. Fortunately, I found a job in northwestern Illinois near a small city. Local government isn't so bad. But the whole state government is going in a different direction because of the very populated northeast corner, just below Kenosha, in an area called "Chicago Land". I don't normally offer to tell people my political leanings, so I just tell them I am a little right of the Tea Party ;).
So out in the countryside with 5 acres, a U.S. flag on a pole out front, small shooting range out back, neighbor dropping off some his sweet corn (just this morning), neighbor boys dropping by to ride dirt bikes with my son, friends dropping by unannounced to say high, wife putting putting clothes on the line on a beautiful day, getting ready to "brush hog" with a 1947 Ford 8N tractor.........could life get better? Hey, I gotta get outside. See ya later. Enjoy your day!!

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by psteinmayer »

LOL The real trouble began when I re-enlisted and returned to active duty. Michigan was my home of record and therefore where I claimed tax status. Wisconsin decided "Hey Wait a minute here..." Since I was living (for about 7 months) in Wisconsin and paid local taxes, the state tried to claim they had rights to the taxes from my military pay... which by the way, was totally illegal. The state charged me with income tax evasion and tax fraud. It took me a lawyer and several months of litigation before Wisconsin finally dropped the case! It was a legal nightmare for me!!!

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by butlersrangers »

I've got nothing against Wisconsin. Lots of good people and beer.

A Great-Grandfather of mine, (six generations back), was Nicholas Perrot. He was involved in the Montreal fur trade, expert in Indian Languages, an explorer, and established the Trading Post that became Green Bay.

Some of my German ancestors were farmers and merchants in the Door Peninsula (Algoma), before they became pioneers in the Michigan Copper Country in the 1860's.

The five states created out of the old Northwest Territory are 'siblings' with a lot in common. (Especially, urban areas screwing up nice country).

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Re: People be messin' with Michigan

Post by Whig »

Paul- You were guilty until proven innocent! Our system isn't supposed to work that way.

And, it cost you a bunch of money to prove you didn't have to pay and were guilty of tax fraud.

Glad you survived that one without a prison term. Whew!

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