1898C serials, and the current state of computing

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Dick Hosmer
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1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Dick Hosmer »

I have managed to resurrect my 25 year old Mac G3, and have discovered the 1898C database to which I have (but don't recall where) made reference in the past. It will be a slow process as the optical drive ist gefukt, and the new iMac I just bought (because my 2011 iMac ist also gefukt) doesn't have one! - which I discovered after buying it. Such a thought hadn't even entered my mind. Everything now is done from "the cloud". Software is no longer marketed on discrete media where you have a backup at hand. Big Brother knows what is best for you!

Thankfully, both the G3 and the new Mac DO both have USB ports, so transfer is possible - next comes the hurdle of having a program that will read older formats - which is no slam dunk; things you think should work, often don't. So I MAY have to do things manually, but it is better than losing it completely. While I've saved everything from my 2011, some of it doesn't want to open - but I will persevere!

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Whig »

Good luck and we look forward to seeing your Krag files from storage.

I have used Apple computers exclusively since 1983 when I was in college and wrote my chemistry thesis paper on one. Physical cut and paste efforts made a great paper with graphs and neat pictures. Lots of work but early programming.

So, I sympathize. Hope the transfer works well.

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Dick Hosmer »

I did my ENTIRE second book using only Pages '09 and Preview. The ms is (now) safe, but this new version of Pages seems to want to do some things differently. We'll see.

I'm VERY disappointed that Numbers is balking at opening old spreadsheets. The battle continues.

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by olderthansome »

I haven't yet converted my Operating System to Catalina, which is what I'm guessing is on your new Mac, so I may be on the wrong track here. But one of the things I am looking into is the need to convert my old files that were created on my 2011 Mac and my current, 2018 Mac to run on the new Catalinia . My 2011 Mac was running MacOS 10.12.6, Sierra and was as far as I could go on that generation of Mac. My 2018 came with MacOS 10.14.6 Mojave and my next upgrade will be to MacOS 10.15.4 Catalina, but I have been trying to verify all I need to do to make the latest upgrade. All warnings were that there would be glitches to anticipate. The 2011 Mac and my current 2018 Mac are running on 32 bit processors and the new Catalina will be a 64 bit processor. I had been warned to give the software companies that I am using time to upgrade all my programs to 64 bit and as I've monitored them, they now all seem to be compliant. What I am not certain about however is the compatibility of my old files to the 64 bit processor and that may be related to the problems you are experiencing. There are software programs that are apparently available for upgrades and that are relatively cheap. What I'm worried about is just what you've experienced - will my Mac, itself, be able to deal with the changes or is there something I need to do to prepare? Apple is really the BEST for help. But sometimes it's hard to find the right person. Given the current state of employment it might be next to impossible to get current information until things ease up in the future (soon, we all hope). There may still be opportunities to find help online or by phone, but I'm sure everyone is stressed right now. That's why I'm holding off the completion of my upgrade until everyone is back. If you have a particular Apple expert that is still working near you, you might get lucky. But all business nearby, including Geek Squad, is unavailable right now.

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Whig »

I upgraded my office computer, without researching it first, to Catalina. Then I found out that I couldn't use Windows or Photoshop. There may be other older programs that don't work and, here's the catch, you have to buy the new products whereas they originally came free with the Mac.

So, I am just using Pages because I was never a Windows person anyway.

There are some other glitches, also. I am not going to upgrade my home Mac because of this. You can un-install Catalina but it requires backing up everything and wiping your hard drive clean and starting from the back up.

Too much crap for me.

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Dick Hosmer
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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Dick Hosmer »

Thanks much for the continuing insight!

I am going to avoid Catalina - my new 2019 has Mojave 10.14.6, which is giving me enough annoyance as it is. The process of rebuilding is slow and complicated. When I get everything "stabilized", the FIRST thing I am going to to is begin a Time Machine regimen - I'm too old to ever go through this again!

Biggest problem right now is Bento, where I kept my 50 years of trapdoor carbine listings. I have managed to get the (now discontinued and unsupported) program installed - but no data files. Evidently they were not included in the recovery. Anyone have any idea what they are named or where they would have been stored? Am trying to avoid fixing the 2011, though I might have to.

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Whig »

Never used Bento but I found this. I'm sure there are other options. Good luck.

Importing existing Bento data

Which of these apps gives you the best options for importing your existing Bento data? The short and unsurprising answer is FileMaker Pro. TapForms, iDatabase, and Symphytum only offer options for importing data files in their native formats or as comma-delimited (CSV) files. Bento has no problem exporting data in a CSV format, but, since CSV files are text files, they can contain only text data. If you have any images stored in your Bento database, they will not show up in your new database.

FileMakerPro is the only app that provides an option for importing your entire Bento databaseincluding images and, if youve created relational databases, the relationships between your various files.

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Re: 1898C serials, and the current state of computing

Post by Mark21 »

I am on my 2nd MacBook. I back everything up the n external hard drive every 4 or 5 days ti ensure I do not lose any thing.

I di upgrade to Catalina and that caused issues. Not all of the ads have been upgraded by the hosts so some did not work. Also I have Office and even with the new version it will work but with Catalina I will no longer receive any updates from Office. So I removed it and went back to the current operating system, To get up dates to Office I will need to repurchase it. So every this stays the same until when ever.

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