Armistice - 100 years ago, today.

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Armistice - 100 years ago, today.

Post by butlersrangers »

An amazing point in human history, I bet it goes unobserved by many.

I had the privilege of knowing and meeting a number of WW1 Veterans in my youth and young adulthood.

I always thanked them for their sacrifice and remember my contact with them.

I wish a good Veteran's Day to all who have Served our Country, especially KCA Members!ImageImageImageImage

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Re: Armistice - 100 years ago, today.

Post by Knute1 »

I too had known some WWI vets in my youth. One that sticks out is the village barber. My hometown had a population under 500 and the barber was 2nd generation to the business there. He and his dad had been cutting the hair of my forefathers since around 1900. He was in his 60's in the 1960's when I would walk uptown for a $2 crew-cut. There was a shell of a WWI hand grenade on his mantle. I do not recall discussing much about his service.

My Dad purchased a house in town from an older couple that had a lot of old stuff in it. My Dad asked them to leave anything in the house they would have otherwise thrown away. They left a Victrola (with records), an old bedroom set and a 1930 cabinet radio (still works and in my possession now). Also found was a stack of newspapers from back when the village had it's own press. In it was a paper from 1918 that listed local boys that had been injured from the war. It listed my barber, who had suffered from "shell shock". These papers were laminated and are still in my Dad's possession

As I new him, he was a kind and gentle man. He was also very complimentary to me. I can still remember him turning me in the barber chair, facing the mirror while he stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders telling me what a good young man I was becoming.

I honor him today for the sacrifices he made that I did not understand when I knew him back then. I would also like to honor two of my sons. One is in his 12th year (Army) and the other was honorably discharged last December (Air Force).

And a thank you to all veterans.

Capt. Frank
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Re: Armistice - 100 years ago, today.

Post by Capt. Frank »

My grandfather, my mother's father, served in WW1. Whenever at his home, I saw his 1903 Springfield rifle hanging on the wall, and wished I could have it. I do not know whatever became of it.

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Re: Armistice - 100 years ago, today.

Post by Culpeper »

There was joy and sorrow and continued duty on this day. Just as in our times. But their times haunt us to the present day.

So lift your glasses to the men who gave some and who gave all for the Republic and left the legacy of the fighting American in the cause of right over wrong.Image
Deacon in the Church of the Mighty Krag. Member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals).  Liberty Works Radio

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