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Re: PIGS! More progress

Post by FredC »

I left my tractor out by the mud puddle near where these photos were taken. Monday morning I saw the pigs out on my neighbors peanuts but never saw them come back into my place. Checked the game camera again and it showed them coming back from 7:00 am to 8:00. So I carried the 45/70 and 222 out there again from the house Tuesday at 6:00 AM and waited. About seven I saw one on my place with the thermal scope on the 45/70. Shot but no thump so I knew I missed. Loaded and shot a minute later and heard the pleasing thump. One more with the 45/70 and another thump. Last bullet for that gun so I picked up the 222 with the night vision scope and shot at one in front of the tractor. It squealed real loud so I knew i hit it. viewtopic.php?p=39799#p39799
Went out later with the shotgun and finished off the one in front of the tractor.
In the afternoon it was time to remove their cover so I shredded the tall sorghum that was left. I shot at 2 with a 12 gauge when I flushed them from the cover.
Later that evening a lone pig came to drink from the puddle that was near where I shot from. Buzzards and Mexican eagles were all over the area this morning when I was spraying weeds . Buzzards knocked the camera off the fence post clamp and found another dead pig under the camera. It was not there Tuesday so it may have been the lone pig in the photo or another. It probably came in for a drink and died under the camera. So the "pigs are welcome" sign has been taken down. Will do some more weed spraying out there this afternoon and try to figure out how many died. Will also retrieve the SD card from the camera on the fence line to see if they are still coming after Tuesday. Upper left of the first photo you can see part of the pig that came and died underneath it.
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Last edited by FredC on Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by FredC »

butlersrangers wrote: Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:57 pm 'FredC' - You just need to get more creative ..... be .... like Mr. Bean!
Pretty funny BR. You still have the "gift". Advantage of sitting with a seat belt the 45/70 will not knock me down. Standing on that parked tractor while shooting the 45/70 is very precarious.

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Post by FredC »

Went out to watch an opening in the fence this morning. Got out there about 6:20 with the 222 with night vision. Did not see a thing, came in at sunup.
This afternoon I went to collect the film from the trail cam. Found out the last pig came in at 6:10. That was close. Accidentally deleted that photo.

I got a shock when I got back with the SD card. There was a pig at the camera not too long before I got there. Pig was living dangerously as I was carrying the 35/40. Of the thousands of game photos this is the only one with a pig in the same photo with another species.
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Post by FredC »

Was a busy morning. Went out to the close fence line camera about 6:00 AM. On the way I saw a dark object though an opening in the brush. Watched for several minutes with the night vision 222. Did not move. Could not remember any tires from the previous owner there, but did not want to mess up my morning hunt shooting at nothing so Iwent one to the fence line. came back just before light not seeing anything at the 2nd camera location. Black object probably was a pig. NUTS!
About 8:00 when it was good and light was going to get on the 4 wheeler to feed the heifers and something moved in the dead weeds in front to the garage. Really moved the weeds around. Last time I saw something like that it was pigs in the tall sorghum. Watched a little more and deer started popping out everywhere. Then I heard a deep grunt. First thought was a calf got in there as the herd was just on the other side of this sliver of tall weeds. No, it is a stinking pig. Slip into the house to grab the 35/40 and cannot hear or find it again. It might have still been in there, but you cannot see more than 10 feet through those dry blood weed stalks. NUTS again!

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Re: PIGS living dangerously again!

Post by FredC »

Five minutes separated us this time. One of these days soon we will meet, check out the time stamps. I attached the five minute later photo in case any have wondered what I look like. A couple of bucks were there just before the pigs. No combat this time one has very impressive antlers and funny looking welts on his body.

Moved this camera to a mud hole just below the hay shed in an old gravel pit. This hay shed is about 75 feet behind the shop. I will be able to keep a rifle in the shop and look over the cliff several times a day while working. After all this is WAR!
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Last edited by FredC on Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by FredC »

Some sucess.
A couple of weeks ago I caught 3 pigs below the cliff. One of the 2 was standing with his back to me. Two more were further to the left off camera. I shot though the grass and branches and killed one with the idea the one that was in the clearing might still be there after the first shot. That did not happen, they were gone before I could get another round in. I was fast but they were faster never saw then again. Pigs were back a couple hours later but I was sawing logs then.
Climbing down that cliff is hard in the day, no way I am going to try at night, so I just let it become food for the cleanup crew. Thiis area is no longer accessible with anything that has wheels.
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Post by butlersrangers »

Oh, great Fred! My wife just told me my Chinese New Year's animal is the Pig!
pig target.jpg
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Post by FredC »

Hmmm, year of the pig.

Hmmm, African swine virus has taken out a lot of the pigs on Chinese farms.

Hmmm, with that protein shortage they need more pigs.

I know they come get them all no charge. No returns allowed!
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Post by butlersrangers »

Fred, it is the Chinese 'Year of the Water Tiger', that we are now celebrating.

The Year of the Pig doesn't come around until January 23, 2031.

Save the Date! :lol:
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Post by FredC »

Hmmm, maybe that means they can eat a lot of them this year?

You got the phone number of the embassy?

Sure need a timed feeder down there, I have only met the pigs once by the mudhole. Wanted to get that mama with the little ones with the idea that the local coyotes could finish off the little ones. Need to do that soon or the little guys will be able to survive without her.

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