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Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:35 am
by Top Dean
I can and will but till this has happened no one for this site has ever siad not to use the Poyers book for giving others data contained in it. That is a error of the member whom know better and now I know better and I am will to look for and get the better data as I do pride myself in sharing my data with other and not hording it. It only makes me mad when someone ask for help and then doublt anything you tell them and then demands proof of where you got your data from. Those people want you to tell them what they want to here and nothing else. I have done nothing but try to help other on this site with there questions and I have asked a few myself. I am the onwer of a Model 96 Carbline and a 94 Rifle and want to restore them both to as close to possible as they came off the work bench. I look forward to working with the other members of this site to give out the correct data and advice and to keep as many of the Krags going for as long as possible.

Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:52 am
by Dick Hosmer
So it's gotten to "Mr. Hosmer"?

Well, Mr. Farmer, I'm actually on your side!

You have me totally convinced that your forthcoming work is going to far surpass that of Brophy, Mallory, not to mention Poyer.

I only mentioned - in an (apparently poor) attempt at humor that "Top Dean", by being a bit snippy on Tuesday at 17:31:09 and citing a work that I know full well you see as just barely being parrot cage liner material, was only setting himself up - unwittingly - for a comeuppance.

I certainly wasn't wrong, though you did display considerable restraint.

As to his response, I'm really not quite sure what he said, nor at whom his darts were directed.

As to Poyer's book, for $20, to the guy on the street, who knows nothing about Krags, the book, if taken with a lot of salt is a start. It's certainly not a work with which to "win" arguments! But, not everyone is sufficiently interested to spend $200 plus (which in some cases is nearly as much as they spent on their one Krag) to get to the Mallory/Brophy level. And, those of us (count me in) aspiring to the Farmer level are fewer still!

I hope you are out working for Mitt!

Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:51 pm
by Century2
Were up to 489xxx...



Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:50 pm
by Dick Hosmer
Well, that's what needs to be done - keep inching it up, and documenting the process with clear photos. From my experience, that number has got to be getting pretty damn close. 489xxx is the benchmark that I've carried in my brain for a long time.

While, for some curious reason (knowing myself well), I don't obsess over trying to pin down the absolute end, probably at least partly because I'm not sure it is possible! But, I'm very keen on the various changes, and the rifle/carbine breaks, because, with blind dumb luck, I've been personally involved. AFAIK, 24685 (which I no longer own) is still the lowest recorded 'production' 1896 Carbine number, and my 37045 (a rifle) is still the highest reported plain "1896".

Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:58 pm
by 5MadFarmers
So it's gotten to "Mr. Hosmer"?

To the tune of "Mr. Wilson" in Dennis the Menace. So no Dick, not in the context you're getting from it. Think Bugs Bunny. When I use "Mr. Hosmer" I'm laughing...

You have me totally convinced that your forthcoming work is going to far surpass that of Brophy, Mallory, not to mention Poyer.

That's really easy - anyone could do that. Logic dictates that having access to Brophy and Mallory means you already have their cards. Find some they didn't have and you've improved on them. That's no negative reflection on them as, it toto, they did awesome work. Making it easy for me. Why Poyer didn't just build on them is a mystery. Arrogance? I'll readily admit that I'd be a low grade moron to discount Brophy and Mallory. So I don't as they're both very good.

citing a work that I know full well you see as just barely being parrot cage liner material

I stole that from John Beard. Beard's right.

As to his response, I'm really not quite sure what he said, nor at whom his darts were directed.

He's rightly frustrated that people recommend a book which turns out to be drivel.

As to Poyer's book, for $20, to the guy on the street, who knows nothing about Krags, the book, if taken with a lot of salt is a start.

That's the bit. It's not good value. It's negative value. As a young lad I watched my dad come into $7,500 unexpectedly. That was a lot of money. One "hot stock tip" from a co-worker later and it was gone. While pops didn't learn from that I did. "No information is better than bad information." Mark Twain summed it up: "it's not what you know which is dangerous, it's what you know which just ain't so."

No information is better than bad. Bad information must be unlearned. No different than teach people to shoot.

Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:03 pm
by 5MadFarmers
Were up to 489xxx...


I think a clear picture will show that is 459066. The "0" is blurry.

In every case where I've examined a 489XXX it's turned out to be 439 or 459. Not a single one has held as 489XXX.

Re: High serial number

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:18 pm
by Top Dean
that could be a reason the numbers are not clear someone is tring to get over a mislead for there profit.

Re: High serial number

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:04 pm
by Century2
Well then, until an owner steps up with clear pictures we shall be in doubt. Same for 487808. Until then, I have seen a 482xxx but did not save the picture. Lots of 481xxx's out there so less doubt about it. It would be hard to believe there are 5000 Krags hidden away somewhere. Several years ago I purchased 475930 and started to take notice. I then purchased 480694 which I have considered it "post-production" (likely a replacement receiver). BTW the craftsmanship on these late receivers doesn't hold a candle to the older ones! Let's hope for more pictures...Image

Re: High serial number

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:48 pm
by Dick Hosmer
Well, it doesn't look like anything is wrong with 487808, even if it is poorly focused. And, even if it is really 487606, the third digit is the significant one, and that is crystal clear. My high is 482440, small potatoes.

I looked up the GB auction, thinking I'd query the seller, but the gun (a real POS) sold almost immediately via BIN. Wonder what the buyer thought he was getting? You don't suppose we'll see that receiver again, do you? As in "Rare Krag rifle - highest known serial number - a bargain at $2500", do you?

What bothers me the most (while I'd never have bought that rifle) is that my net apparently has leaks. That auction came and went between my GB visits - I want to decide yea or nay, not lose a rifle by default.

Re: High serial number

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:16 pm
by Century2
The possible 487808 was GB 307426136. I think this image is better?Image